the berkeley & little man

most who visit our blog want to know more about Dex and how he’s doing. it’s like we’ve ceased to exist. so i’m going to break from the demands of little man updates and share a bit about non-Dex stuff.


as you can see there isn’t much to share. :) jk.

in case anyone is wondering about our business – we’ve been fortunate that with the downturn of the economy we did not suffer any major or minor setbacks. we did see many delays for our clients in the improvements of their systems & networks, but nothing that made us nervous. in fact, we’re in the process of hiring a new client network administrator. yikes! we’re growing, or actually we’ve grown. and that is a good good thing. for our business, for our clients, for our sanities. interviews have commenced, and we’re looking forward to the right person to join us on our technological adventure.

now back to the regularly scheduled program of Little Man. he’s doing really well. he’s been sleeping thru the night for a couple of weeks now. he wakes up after about 7.5-8 hrs for a food break, but usually goes back to sleep to round out his 11-12 hours of slumber. we know that could and will likely change, but we’re so blessed that he enjoys sleeping at night. now if mommy could only reprogram her sleep clock, we’d all get great sleep around here.
He’s smiling more frequently and babbles at the most random moments. he’s not a huge fan of tummy time, but we’re working through his opposition. and of course, he still loves to eat. he’d probably eat every 2-3 hrs if we let him. but we don’t. mean parents. yes we want him healthy, but overfeeding him would be so easy. and we’d regret all the spit-up later.

other than that, life is still good for all of us. and we are so thankful and blessed every single day.

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