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I Survived Camping

Many of you know that I am not a camper (sometimes not even a happy camper – hahaha). That outdoorsy kinds of activities are just not my thing. Give me a plush hotel any day and I am quite agreeable. But camping? overnight? for a full weekend? How was I ever going to manage?

A few months ago, Jon got it into his head that since I went to Mozambique in the spring and handled that well, that I should (’should’ being the relative word here) be able to handle camping in the US. So he suggested it strongly to our friends in lifeSOURCE, and maybe I was just feeling sweet, I don’t know, somehow I said that I would go willingly and much to the surprise of many. All summer long we planned to go on a weekend outing, but it never really worked with schedules. Finally we saw an opportunity to do this camping thing the weekend of September 22nd-24th and we planned our getaway trip to Pokagon State Park.

Here’s a quick rundown of my experience: IT RAINED!!!! and there was lightning and thunderstorms throughout the weekend!!!! Did I mention, IT RAINED!!!! Actually it was mostly light rain in the daytime and the heavier stuff at night, so that was bearable. Though I’m sure I would have enjoyed it even more without the RAIN.

I don’t need to go into the details of what we did out in the woods of Pokagon, since most people know what goes on and doesn’t go on during camping. For the most part, we ate, we sat around, we ate some more, we sat around again, and we ate even more. For 2 nights we slept in semi-leaky tents (no serious puddles or waterfalls thankfully).

I have to confess though, Jon & I slept in the Explorer the first night since the leaks our tent was experiencing needed more time and daylight to address. But I was ever so thankful for our Explorer and our queen-size air mattress the following night.

Will I ever go again? I will not say “No.” But it’s highly unlikely that I would go again anytime soon. or that Jon & I would go alone. It’s just too much work to camp. Or so it seemed anyway.

I Have Returned

Well, I am back from my Mozambique trip and I have so much to tell you. But I don’t know where to begin or when to end, so I will give myself a few more days to process all that I have experienced. Besides, I don’t think I’m quite as jet-lagged as I could be, but I am still recovering from 40 hours of traveling and a silly chest cold. I still need rest, and I need to give my brain a chance to catch up to itself or is it to restart itself?
I don’t know.
I promise to write more soon. Until then, you are still free to read my blog entries from my trip at Mozambique Trip Journal.

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