Travels Archives

Being Home Part 2

After our brief stopover in P’cola, Kaitlyn and I headed down to Ocala to spend time with my parents. They live SO FAR AWAY!
We had a restful time, just hanging out with my mom, laughing, eating, trying to get some semblance of a tan. I even got to catch-up with one of my oldest and dearest friends from college – Gwenda. Whenever we talk or get together, we pick up right where we left off and have a blast together just being us. Poor Kaitlyn saw and heard a side of me she wasn’t prepared to meet. ;) The fact that I am able to sing & dance to most of the songs & moves from Grease 1 & 2 probably scarred her for life.

The highlight of our vacation in Ocala had to be our fun with a waverunner. My parents’ friends, the Parrises have a waverunner that they use throughout the extended summer when their grandkids visit. Seeing how it was only the end of March, they hadn’t pulled it out of storage yet, but their generous hearts gladly let us come over to play for the afternoon. It was a perfect, non-humid day for us. Kaitlyn & I would have loved hotter temperatures, but we weren’t complaining since we were about to own the lake on the waverunner.

My dad had to show me & Kaitlyn how to be crazy on it, while my mom threatened him if he hurt us. I think he was trying to throw me off while he was ripping around in circles over and over. But it wasn’t until we were at the shoreline getting off that we both toppled into the lake. It was quite amusing!

Mr. Parris also took us both out to show us how it’s really done. He’s CRAZY! FUN, but crazy. During our turn, I thought I was safe, but in one moment I felt myself slipping as my body went one way and Mr. Parris & the waverunner went the other…sure enough, into the water I went and I pulled Mr. Parris with me! He laughed so hard, since no one has ever dethroned him from a waverunner. I told him he never gave me instructions what to do in the event I was tossed, so I held on, just like my daddy told me. While in the water ever so briefly, I thought how nice the water temp was, but then I remembered that gators live in that lake, and I did not want them to taste me. So I swam as fast as I could back to the waverunner, while still laughing about our incident.

All in all, Kaitlyn & I had a great time. That Saturday was wonderful for us, but just being able to get away for a few days, despite our accident, was indeed the best part. I love visiting my mom & dad. I only wish they were a couple states closer!

Being Home Part 1

While our beginnings to our vacation were less than ideal, hanging out in Pensacola for 3 1/2 days was wonderful. It truly was like being home again. Pensacola is where I discovered myself, it’s were I realized how important having a genuine relationship with Jesus matters, it’s where I began the journey of figuring out who I was in Christ. Every time I visit Pensacola, I realize how much I love it there, and it’s always difficult for me to leave. Although I’ve been there 3 times in the last 6 months, there’s always that twinge of heartache as I drive away from that place.
While there I was able to show Kaitlyn some of the favorite things I like to do while visiting:
- Hanging out with dear friends is always high on my list. This time we stayed with Jodi & Eman. I love them and I truly am blessed that God brought them together. We also had a meal with Vern & Melissa Schrock with several of their friends at a local Japanese restaurant after church Sunday night, that was enjoyable too!
- We went to a non-crowded local beach on a balmy Sunday afternoon – of course the water was cold, but we had no intention of getting wet.
- We visited my former church Harvest Church, to give Kaitlyn a sense of my church roots, and to experience a true Gen-X church with all it’s high-volume worship and intense seeker-friendly message. Hearing my old friend Will pour out his heart in song and with music brings a sense of joy to my heart for all that he has grown through and how God still blesses him with powerful lyrics and great talent.
- We had an amazing dinner with my dear friend & mentor Deirdre Daley. Her restaurant of choice: Tre Fratelli. Talk about authentic Italian!!! The food here was incredible. I love going to restaurants that are hidden gems in their communities. Especially if the food is more than scrumptious. I wish I would have known about this place before – Jon would love it. It’s quaint, it’s charming, it’s genuine. It’s a great old home in downtwon Pensacola, just off the Bay. Although we were full from our meals, we still made room for dessert at Deirdre’s behest. All of us had gelato with cake, but in different flavors. Deirdre went for chocolate, Kaitlyn wanted Key Lime but had to settle for Spumoni and I sampled the caramel pecan passion. Wow! and Mmmm!!!! I wish I had taken pictures of our meal. I know it’s just food, but oh to see those tasty dishes now… (Go to this site, to see some pics of the outside of the restaurant.)
- I took Kaitlyn to my college alma mater – UWF (University of West Florida). It was fairly quiet on campus, but a lovely day to walk around. I think she was a little surprised that I attended a small school that had such a laid-back atmosphere.

We also celebrated, in a very small way, Kaitlyn’s 21st birthday. Nothing over the top, nothing outlandish, just a great meal (with Deirdre at Tres Fratelli), followed by a late evening snack. So HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KAITLYN!!!!

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