Travels Archives

new photos added!

I just added some pics from our trip to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio.  Our friends Kaitlyn and Landon joined us for the adventure, and I’m pretty sure they thought my family was crazy.  But it looks like they still had fun!  We didn’t take too many pics of us standing in line, since that seemed strange.  But we managed a few shots.  Also, the greatest part of the rides was convincing my mom to go on 3, yep 3, roller coasters.  She’s so brave!  (She did it because she loves Jon.)

The hotel we stayed overnight on Monday is called the Maui Sands Resort.  I thought it was funny for my mom to stay in Maui while on vacation in Ohio. So we booked the room, not knowing much else about the place.  The hotel was still in renovation stages, so our room wasn’t available (they gave us 2 full rooms – king sized bed and 2 sets of bunk beds for the price of 1 family suite), and not all their amenities were ready for public use either (no luau for us).  But still, we had fun because they had an indoor waterpark!  So on Tuesday, after breakfast, the “kids” played at the waterpark for several hours before we had to get on the road.  I guess we looked like we were having a blast, because my father ended up joining us around noon.  Check out the pics from our waterpark fun.

more O’Toole time

just wanted to share some other thoughts and images from our trip down to Ocala.

We were able to spend some time with my cousin, her parents and her children on Sunday.  It was great to see them again.  Of course we had fun playing Wii sports with them, and Jon bonded with their very large dog who had a sleepover in my parents’ backyard. 

Because Jon gets easily bored, my parents created a list of tasks for him to do.  He installed a new wi-fi router for them, made my mom’s new laptop live and usable for her, installed a new dining room chandelier and dimmer switch, re-configured their entertainment room projector to watch tv and play video games on it, and installed a new storm door.  Sounds like a lot for being on vacation, huh?  But he thoroughly enjoyed doing all of them for my parents, and only wished he could done more… maybe 6 years from now, he’ll finish my dad’s much-needed shed.

All in all, it was a great trip.  Being together on an actual trip was nice for us, and being with my parents was a blast.  Never a dull moment with those two.  Even got to hang out with some of their friends, who are all wonderful people. I highly recommend spending time with your parents and some of their friends.  You’ll gain a new appreciation for them and see a side you didn’t think existed.

Mom & Lauren Mom & Gaylene Mom & Jon Jon & Dad

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